Solved: python time range monthly

The main problem with using a time range in Python is that it doesn’t support intervals. This means that if you want to find all the files that were modified in the last month, you’ll have to use a for loop instead.

start =,1,1)
end =,12,31)
for dt in rrule(MONTHLY, dtstart=start, until=end):

This code creates a start date of January 1, 2020 and an end date of December 31, 2020. For each month in between those dates, it prints the year, month, and day in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Time library

The time library in Python provides functions for manipulating dates and times. It includes functions for converting between different date formats, UTC time, time zones, durations, and more.


In Python, ranges are a type of sequence. A range is a collection of values that can be accessed using the range() function. Ranges can be created using the range() function or the list() function.

The range() function creates a new range object. The first value in the range is at position 0, and the last value in the range is at position len(range). The len(range) parameter specifies the number of values in the range.

The list() function creates a new list object. The first value in the list is at position 0, and the last value in the list is at position len(list). The len(list) parameter specifies the number of values in the list.

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