Solved: semaphore example in python

The main problem with the semaphore example in Python is that it is not very efficient.

import threading 
import time 
# A Semaphore is a synchronization object used  
# to control access to a resource. 
# Create a semaphore with initial value 0 
sem = threading.Semaphore(0) 
# Try to acquire the semaphore 
# This will block until semaphore's value is non-zero  

# Release semaphore
# Increasing the value of semaphore by 1
import threading – this line imports the threading module which allows you to create threads as objects.
import time – this line imports the time module which allows you to use time-related functions.
sem = threading.Semaphore(0) – this line creates a Semaphore object with an initial value of 0. A Semaphore is a synchronization object used to control access to a resource.
sem.acquire() – this line tries to acquire the semaphore, meaning it will block until the semaphore’s value is non-zero (meaning it is available).
sem.release() – this line releases the semaphore, meaning it increases the value of the semaphore by 1 (making it available again).


Semaphore is a Python library for managing resources such as threads and files. It provides a simple interface for creating and managing resources, as well as a variety of APIs for controlling those resources. Semaphore can be used to create and manage threads, processes, files, or any other type of resource.

How to do a Semaphore

A semaphore is a data structure used to control the number of simultaneous operations on a resource. In Python, semaphores are implemented as objects that can be created using the semaphore module. To use a semaphore, you first create an instance of the semaphore class, and then set its value using the set() method. You can then use the get() method to retrieve the current value of the semaphore.

To create a semaphore, you first need to import the semaphore module:

import semaphore

Next, you need to create an instance of the semaphore class:

sem = semaphore.Semaphore()

Next, you can set the value of the semaphore using the set() method:


Next, you can use the get() method to retrieve the current value of the semaphORE:

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