Solved: python-wordpress-xmlrpc custom fields

The main problem related to Python-WordPress-XMLRPC custom fields is that they are not supported by the WordPress XML-RPC API. This means that any custom fields created in WordPress cannot be accessed or modified using the XML-RPC API, which limits the ability of developers to create powerful applications that interact with WordPress data. Additionally, custom fields are not exposed in the WordPress REST API, meaning they cannot be used with other applications or services that use this interface.

import xmlrpclib
wp_url = ""
wp_username = "your_username"
wp_password = "your_password"
wp = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(wp_url)
# Get post list 
posts = wp.metaWeblog.getRecentPosts(0, wp_username, wp_password, 10)  # get the last 10 posts 
postID = posts[0]['postid'] # get the ID of the first post in the list 

 # Get custom fields for a post  
customFields = wp.metaWeblog.getPost(postID, wp_username, wp_password)['customfields']  

 # Add a new custom field to a post  
newCustomFields = {'key': 'my-custom-field', 'value': 'my custom value'}  
customFields += [newCustomFields]  

 # Update the post with new custom fields   							   	   	   	   	   	    
wp.metaWeblog.editPost(postID, wp_username, wp_password, {'customfields': customFields}, True)

1. “import xmlrpclib” – This line imports the xmlrpclib library, which is used to communicate with XML-RPC enabled websites.
2. “wp_url = “”” – This line assigns the URL of the website to a variable called wp_url.
3. “wp_username = “your_username”” – This line assigns a username for the website to a variable called wp_username.
4. “wp_password = “your_password”” – This line assigns a password for the website to a variable called wp_password.
5. “wp = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(wp_url)” – This line creates an object that can be used to communicate with the website using XML-RPC protocol and stores it in a variable called wp .
6.”posts = wp.metaWeblog.getRecentPosts(0, wp_username, wp_password, 10)” – This line gets the last 10 posts from the website and stores them in a list called posts .
7.”postID = posts[0][‘postid’]” – This line gets the ID of the first post in the list and stores it in a variable called postID .
8.”customFields = wp.metaWeblog

What is XMLRPC

XML-RPC is a remote procedure call protocol that uses XML to encode its calls and HTTP as a transport mechanism. It is designed to be simple and easy to implement, allowing for the creation of distributed computing environments. XML-RPC is used in many popular web services such as WordPress, Drupal, and MediaWiki. In Python, XML-RPC can be used to create clients and servers that communicate with each other over the internet using the XML-RPC protocol. The Python standard library includes an xmlrpclib module which provides client and server functionality for working with XML-RPC.

Python-wordpress-xmlrpc library

The Python-wordpress-xmlrpc library is a Python library for interacting with WordPress websites via the XML-RPC API. It allows developers to access and manage WordPress sites from their own applications. The library provides a simple interface for making calls to the WordPress XML-RPC API, as well as methods for parsing responses and handling errors. It also includes support for custom post types, taxonomies, and custom fields. With this library, developers can create powerful applications that interact with WordPress sites in a secure and efficient manner.

How to submit custom fields data by python wordpress xmlrpc

Submitting custom fields data by Python WordPress XMLRPC is a relatively straightforward process. The first step is to install the python-wordpress-xmlrpc library. This library provides an easy way to access the WordPress XMLRPC API from Python.

Once you have installed the library, you can begin submitting your custom fields data by creating a new post object and setting the post_custom field with your desired values. For example:

post = WordPressPost()
post.title = ‘My Custom Post’
post.content = ‘This is my custom post content.’
post_custom = {‘my_custom_field’: ‘My custom field value’}
post.custom_fields = post_custom

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