Solved: python does strftime work with date objects

The main problem related to Python’s strftime() function is that it does not work with date objects. This means that if you have a date object, such as a datetime object, you cannot use the strftime() function to format it into a string. Instead, you must convert the date object into a string first before using the strftime() function.

Yes, Python's datetime module includes the strftime() method which can be used to format date objects.

1. import datetime: This line imports the datetime module from Python, which provides a variety of functions for working with dates and times.

2. today = This line creates a date object called ‘today’ that stores the current date according to the computer’s system clock.

3. print(today.strftime(‘%d %b, %Y’)): This line uses the strftime() method to format the ‘today’ date object into a string with the specified format (‘%d %b, %Y’). The output will be a string representing today’s date in this format (e.g., “01 Jan, 2021”).

strftime() function

The strftime() function in Python is used to format date and time objects into a readable string. It takes two arguments, the first being the format of the output string, and the second being a datetime object. The strftime() function can be used to create strings with custom formats for dates and times. It is especially useful when dealing with international date formats or when working with multiple time zones.

How to work with a datetime variable in Python

Working with datetime variables in Python is relatively straightforward. The main library used for this purpose is the datetime module, which provides a number of classes and functions to help you manipulate dates and times.

The most commonly used class in the datetime module is the datetime class, which represents a single point in time. This class has several methods that can be used to manipulate date and time values, such as adding or subtracting days, hours, minutes, etc. from a given date or time.

Another useful class is the timedelta class, which represents an amount of time (e.g., 1 day). This can be used to add or subtract timedeltas from a given date or time value.

The strftime() method can be used to convert a datetime object into a string representation of that date/time value (e.g., “2020-01-01 12:00:00”). Similarly, the strptime() method can be used to convert strings into datetime objects (e.g., “2020-01-01 12:00:00” -> datetime object).

Finally, there are also several other useful functions in the datetime module that can help you work with dates and times more easily (e.g., utcnow(), now(), today(), etc.).

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