Solved: settimeout in computed

Understanding the `setTimeout` function in JavaScript

`setTimeout` is an asynchronous function that provides a way to run a function at specific time intervals. This article will explore the function, illustrating its use and functionality. Let’s dive into understanding the setTimeout method in detail and its application in computed.

function greeting(){
    console.log('Hello, World!');
setTimeout(greeting, 2000);

Here, the `setTimeout` function is wrapped around the function `greeting`, which is set to run after a delay of 2000 milliseconds, i.e. 2 seconds.

Using `setTimeout` in Computed Properties

As a JavaScript developer, there may be times when you need to use a delay in your computed properties. In Vue.js, for instance, computed properties are cached and change only when its dependencies change. However, using `setTimeout` in a computed property can become a bit tricky.

Solution: Async Computed Properties

One solution to using `setTimeout` in computed properties is through creating async computed properties. Here is a code snippet showing how you can implement `setTimeout` in Vue.js computed property.

data() {
return {
message: 'Hello, World!'
computed: {
async delayedMessage() {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(this.message), 2000))

In this example, `setTimeout` is used within a Promise, allowing you to delay the retrieval of the `message` data.

Understanding the Code

The `delayedMessage` computed property is an async function, meaning it returns a Promise. Inside the Promise, `setTimeout` is used to delay the `resolve` method by 2 seconds. `resolve` then returns the `message` after the delay.

While working with async code, it’s essential to understand Promises. Promises represent an operation that hasn’t completed yet but is expected in the future. It has three states:

  • Pending: the operation is ongoing.
  • Fulfilled: the operation completed successfully.
  • Rejected: the operation failed.

Related Libraries and Functions

JavaScript’s ecosystem offers libraries like Lodash and Bluebird, which extend the functionality of setTimeout and Promises. Lodash offers a `debounce` function to delay a function’s execution. Bluebird is a fully-featured Promise library with several useful methods for handling asynchronous operations.

Remember, mastering async programming, Promises, and setTimeout is essential for creating real-world, responsive web applications. As these concepts become second nature, you’ll find new doors opening in your JavaScript development journey.

While there isn’t a direct method to integrate `setTimeout` functionality within computed properties in frameworks like Vue.js, the strategy outlined in this article delivers a similar effect. Understanding this allows for powerful and dynamic applications that are responsive and engaging to the end-user.

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