Solved: htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title

HTMLWebpackPlugin is a powerful tool that greatly simplifies the creation of HTML files to serve your webpack bundles. This practical plugin provides developers with a variety of options to make our code more efficient and dynamic. One of these options is the `htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title` option, which allows us to set the title of the HTML file.

Understanding the Problem

Before we solve anything, it’s important to first identify and understand the problem. The problem at hand involves working with webpack bundles and the need for a more efficient way to manage the HTML files that serve them. Specifically, we’re focusing on how to set the title of these HTML files. We’ll solve this problem by using the `htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title` setting in the HtmlWebpackPlugin which allows the developer to dynamically set this HTML title.

The Solution: htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title

// webpack.config.js
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')

module.exports = {
  entry: 'index.js',
  output: {
    path: __dirname + '/dist',
    filename: 'index_bundle.js'
  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      title: 'My App',
      template: 'src/index.html'

In the above webpack configuration file, we are first requiring HtmlWebpackPlugin. In the plugins array, we are then creating a new instance of HtmlWebpackPlugin. Within this instance, we can pass in an options object where we can set the title of our HTML file with the `title` property.

Step-by-Step Explanation

Let’s break down the code:

  • The `require` statement is used to load the HtmlWebpackPlugin module.
  • We then export a configuration object for webpack.
  • In the plugins array, we create a new HtmlWebpackPlugin instance.
  • Within the HtmlWebpackPlugin instance, we set the `title` property to ‘My App’. This sets the title of the HTML file that HtmlWebpackPlugin will generate.

Additional Features of HtmlWebpackPlugin

Apart from setting HTML title, `HtmlWebpackPlugin` includes several other features that can further enhance your HTML files handling. These features include generation of HTML files automatically, minification of the files, and including the JavaScript bundled files automatically. When utilized properly, these features make webpack an even more powerful tool for developers.

Working with Other Libraries

While we’ve focused on HtmlWebpackPlugin in this post, there are many other libraries to explore that provide similar or complementary functionalities. For example, `clean-webpack-plugin` is useful for maintaining your build folder(s) by removing/cleaning your build folder(s) automatically before each build, preventing the accumulation of unnecessary files.

In conclusion, while the `htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title` might seem like a minor feature of the HtmlWebpackPlugin, it is an example of how configurable and flexible this plugin is. It shows how it is designed to make a developer’s life easier and code more efficient.

Remember, each tool and library you use embodies such opportunities for learning and enhancing your coding skills.

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