Solved: strikethrough react css

The main problem with using strikethrough react css is that it can be difficult to style correctly. This is because the default styles for strikethrough are not very specific, and there is no built-in support for customizing them.

<del>This text is no longer relevant</del>

This code line uses the HTML tag ‘del’ to indicate that the text enclosed by this tag is no longer relevant.

Styling React Using CSS

Styling React with CSS can be a little tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it can be a lot of fun. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Use Classes and Properties

One way to style React components is to use classes and properties. For example, you could use the class name “my-button” to style all of your buttons in your app, and then use the property “style” to set the style for that class. Here’s an example:

class MyButton extends Component { … style = { color : ‘#000’ } }

2. Use Mixins and Utilities

Another way to style React components is to use mixins and utilities. For example, you could use the mixin “style-button” to create a reusable stylesheet for all your buttons in your app, and then use the utility function “button-color” to set the color for all buttons using that mixin. Here’s an example:

import { StyleButton } from ‘./style-button’ ; const ButtonColor = ( props ) => { return props . color ; } export default StyleButton ;

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