Solved: how to change my npm version

Changing your npm version is an integral part of maintaining a smooth, bug-free development environment. Npm, or Node Package Manager, is an open-source package manager for JavaScript. It’s a tool used by developers worldwide to share and borrow packaged modules of code. Whether you need to upgrade to the newer version or downgrade to an old one, knowing how to manipulate npm version is key. This is true especially if you are working on multiple projects with different node versions.

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Solved: material ui icon

Material UI Icons are crucial components for developers designing attractive user interfaces. These icons are highly artistic visual expressions offering a seamless way to pass messages without writing texts. They add to the aesthetics of an application, making it interactive, user friendly and easy to navigate. Having a recognizable portfolio of icons enhances an application’s usability and user experience.

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Solved: react font awesome

React Font Awesome is a must-know for any front-end developer proficient in React. This package equips you with scalable vector icons that can be customized – size, color, drop shadow, etc. with the power of CSS. All these stunning icons are included in a fantastically easy-to-use React component for your app.

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Solved: ERR%21 code EPERM npm ERR%21 syscall rename

NPM (Node Package Manager) is an essential tool for any JavaScript developer, offering a vast collection of packages and modules to help streamline the development process. However, it’s not without its potential issues or errors, one of which being the ERR%21 code EPERM npm ERR%21 syscall rename.

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Solved: installation of material ui core using

Material UI core is a fantastic solution for React developers who want to utilize pre-built components for swifter development. It’s renowned for its visually-stunning and user-friendly components that bring both practicality and ease to the designing process. Material-UI possesses over 50 components, all designed to save developer’s time and energy. Now, let’s dive in on how to setup Material UI core for your application.

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Solved: ERR%21 code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR%21 errno 2

Starting at the core of Node.js development environment, plunging deep into the world of coding can at times bring about certain errors that leave us at a crossroads. One such error is the notorious ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 2, which often occurs when executing scripts using NPM in a Node.js environment.

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Solved: kill all npm processes

Those who work with JavaScript and Node.js often encounter the issue of needing to clean up unfinished processes, especially when working with NPM scripts. You may face instances where npm processes are continuing to run, taking up system resources, and potentially causing issues with your workflow. This ultimately deteriorates the overall efficiency of your project. This comprehensive guide is aimed to help you in exploring the optimal method to kill all npm processes in different scenarios.

So, our focus here is to first understand the problem itself, then progress towards the detailed solution, and finally delve into a step-by-step walkthrough of the entire process.

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Solved: remove dev dependencies from node_modules

Node and its package manager, npm, are crucial tools for modern JavaScript application development. At the same time, managing Node packages can sometimes be a bit tedious. One specific issue developers often face is the handling of dev dependencies in the node_modules folder. These dependencies can be quite large, and they aren’t used in the production code. Thus, it is a common practice to remove these when building for production. In this article, we will delve into how to remove dev dependencies from the node_modules folder.

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Solved: install emailjs

EmailJS is one of the popular services which facilitates sending emails directly from a website, without the need for a backend server. This service is particularly appealing as it can run entirely within the client, avoiding server costs and simplifying architecture. What’s more, coupling this service with JavaScript can further boost the service efficiency attracting numerous users and learners.

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