Solved: vuejs form prevent default event

Vue.js is a leading JavaScript library that’s highly in-demand in the world of development today. A common functionality used in Vue.js is form submission, and a common challenge encountered is how to prevent the default event.

Developers often need to prevent the default submit event on a form to stop the page from refreshing. Vue.js has provided developers with a simple, yet elegant way of doing this. This can be easily done through the `v-on:submit.prevent` modifiers.

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework and is incredibly flexible and easy to pick up, making it equally suitable for small scale applications as well as large scale applications.

<form v-on:submit.prevent="onSubmit">

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Solved: watch immediate

Certainly, here’s an example of how your article could look like:

The art of keeping track of time has been a life-long pursuit of humankind, and watches have evolved over centuries into a fashion trend that meticulously merges both form and function into a single piece of jewelry.

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Solved: npm font awesome

As we delve into the diverse world of programming, it’s almost impossible to overlook the convenience brought about by awesome packages like npm Font Awesome. This is a popular library of free and customizable vector icons, widely used among web developers to save time and improve the aesthetic appeal of their projects. To truly understand the usefulness and application of this remarkable tool, it’s necessary to dissect its workings, inspect its code and gain a handle on its vast potential.

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Solved: query params vuejs

In the vast landscape of modern web development, Vue.js has emerged as an eloquent, progressive framework for building user interfaces. Subtle yet powerful, this JavaScript library evolves from the idea of declarative rendering and component-oriented development. Now, we will delve into the intriguing subject matter of query parameters in Vue.js—a fundamental aspect of this framework.

Query parameters offer a simple yet effective way to add custom details to your URLs. These parameters can be incredibly handy for sending additional data to the server, tracking information for analytics, sorting and filtering results, and lots more.

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Solved: %2B change router link active class

Sure, let’s start with this article “Change router link active class in JavaScript”.

In the field of web development, particularly when dealing with single-page applications (SPAs), being able to accurately manipulate navigation and layout dynamically becomes quite crucial. One particular aspect of this is altering the Active Router Link class using JavaScript, whereby we control the class(es) applied to a link when it correlates to the route currently active in our application.

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Solved: button click redirection to another page

An all-too-common issue faced by web developers involves creating a redirection to another webpage upon the click of a button. It’s not only a simple task but a crucial one in enhancing your site’s usability and navigation. We use redirection frequently, whether for simple things such as taking the user to a different page after a successful login to something more complex like tracking click behavior and adapting the web environment.

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Solved: vue.js use scss in balise style

Sure, here is the article:

Vue.js has gained immense popularity among developers for its simplicity and easy integration within other projects. Its ability to take advantage of SCSS makes it even more powerful.

SCSS, or Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets, is an extension of CSS. It adds a lot of power and elegance to the basic language. SCSS contains all the features of CSS and introduces new features such as variables, nesting, mixins, inheritance, and more.

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Solved: get window width

Sure, here’s how I would approach writing the article:

Getting the window width of a user’s browser is an important aspect of web development. It aids in creating responsive and engaging web design. By integrating JavaScript into your coding process, you can easily determine the window’s width and customize it for the best user experience.

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Solved: track window resize

The ability to track window resizes in any frontend web application carries a lot of significance in enhancing the overall user experience. It can be utilized to trigger different responses in Javascript to ensure your webpage is responsive and the layout adapts effectively to the view-ports window size, yielding a more interactive UX design. And Javascript, being a power-packed language offers the flexibility to incorporate this.

To address this situation in an optimal way, we are going to follow a detailed approach leveraging the JavaScript language, more specifically, its resize event and event handler functions.

    window.addEventListener('resize', function(event) {
        console.log("Height: ", window.innerHeight);
        console.log("Width: ", window.innerWidth);

This simple yet crucial JavaScript code successively tracks the resizing of your window. With `window.addEventListener(‘resize’, callbackFunction)` any modifications in window size will trigger the function specified. Here, our callbackFunction uses `console.log` statements to print out `window.innerHeight` and `window.innerWidth`. These refer to the height and width of the window viewport, respectively.

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