Solved: send action bar spigot

send action bar spigot The send action bar feature is an essential aspect of Spigot, a widely used high-performance Minecraft server implementation. This feature allows developers to display custom messages and information to the player through the action bar, a unique area within the game’s UI. In this article, we will delve deep into understanding how to send action bars in Spigot using Java, focusing on the key libraries and functions involved in the process. Furthermore, we will explore some real-life applications of this feature. So, let’s embark on a thrilling journey to elevate your Spigot development skills.

Solution to the Problem

To send an action bar in Spigot, you need to create a plugin that utilizes the offered API to show the custom messages on the action bar. This process generally involves three primary steps: setting up the plugin, creating the command handler, and implementing the send action bar method.

Step-by-Step Explanation of the Code

  1. Setting up the plugin: Firstly, create a new plugin project, and add Spigot as a dependency in your build. Usually, this is done in the build.gradle file (or pom.xml for Maven).
    dependencies {
        compileOnly 'org.spigotmc:spigot-api:1.16.5-R0.1-SNAPSHOT'

    Next, create a new class that extends JavaPlugin and override the “onEnable()” function. This is the main class of your plugin.

    public class ActionBarPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
        public void onEnable() {
            // Your plugin initialization code here

    Add your plugin.yml file, which contains essential metadata about your plugin, such as its name, version, and main class.

    name: ActionBarPlugin
    version: 1.0
    main: com.example.ActionBarPlugin
    api-version: "1.13"
  2. Creating the command handler: Create a new class extending “CommandExecutor,” which will handle the command executed by the player.
    public class ActionBarCommand implements CommandExecutor {
        public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
            // Your command handling code here
            return false;

    Now, register the command in the “onEnable()” function of your main plugin class.

    public void onEnable() {
        getCommand("actionbar").setExecutor(new ActionBarCommand());
  3. Implementing the send action bar method: In your ActionBarCommand class, create a function called “sendActionBar()” that accepts a Player and a String as arguments.
    private void sendActionBar(Player player, String message) {
        player.spigot().sendMessage(ChatMessageType.ACTION_BAR, TextComponent.fromLegacyText(message));

    Then, use this function in the “onCommand()” method to display the custom message when a player executes the “actionbar” command.

    public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
        if (sender instanceof Player) {
            Player player = (Player) sender;
            if (args.length > 0) {
                String message = String.join(" ", args);
                sendActionBar(player, message);
                return true;
        return false;

Spigot API

The Spigot API is a robust and feature-packed library, designed specifically for creating Minecraft plugins. This library provides developers with tools and functions that streamline plugin development and deliver a superior gaming experience to players. Some of the most prominent components of the Spigot API include event handling, command registration, configuration management, and inventory manipulation.

Understanding the sendActionBar() Method

It is critical to comprehend how the “sendActionBar()” method works in order to make the most of Spigot’s send action bar feature. First, the Player object is used to access the Spigot API’s specific functions; in this case, the “sendMessage()” function. This function takes two arguments: the ChatMessageType, which is set to ACTION_BAR in our application, and the message itself, which is parsed using the “TextComponent.fromLegacyText()” method.

Utilizing these methods and functions in tandem, you can create captivating and engaging gameplay experiences by incorporating custom action bars in your Spigot server. With a solid foundation in Spigot development and the necessary tools at your disposal, the possibilities for your Minecraft plugins are virtually limitless.

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