Solved: java console text color

console text color In the world of programming, it is often essential to create intuitive and visually appealing interfaces for users. One way to achieve this is by using different colors for text in console applications. This article focuses on how to change text color in a console application using the Java programming language. We will dive into the process and provide a step-by-step explanation to achieve this effect, making sure we explore a range of libraries and functions to give you a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Changing console text color in Java

To change the console text color in a Java application, we can utilize the ANSI escape code sequences. ANSI escape codes help to stylize the text displayed in a console by providing functionality like text color, background color, and text formatting. In Java, these can be implemented using escape sequences in a simple System.out.print or System.out.println statement.

Let’s explore the problem and its solution in detail.

ANSI escape codes

ANSI escape codes are a series of characters that are interpreted by the console to perform specific actions instead of being displayed as text. They usually start with an escape character (33 or u001B in Java) followed by an opening bracket [ and a series of numbers and letters.

To change the text color using ANSI escape codes, we need to use the following pattern:


The color_code is replaced with the appropriate code for the desired color. For example, 31 is for red and 32 is for green. Here’s a simple code snippet:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("33[31mThis text will be red!");
        System.out.println("33[32mThis text will be green!");

A step-by-step explanation of the code

Let’s break down the code in detail:

1. We first begin with the Main class definition.
2. Within the Main class, we define the main method, which acts as the entry point for our Java program.
3. In the main method, we use the System.out.println method to print text to the console.
4. To change the text color, we insert an ANSI escape code before the text we want to colorize. For example, to make the text red, we use the code 33[31m.
5. After adding the ANSI escape code snippet, the text will then appear in the specified color. In this example, the text “This text will be red!” appears in red, and “This text will be green!” appears in green.

Compatible libraries and alternatives

It is essential to note that ANSI escape codes may not be supported by all terminals or IDEs. As a result, the use of some compatible libraries or alternative methods can be beneficial to provide a more consistent experience across various platforms.

Some widely-used libraries for text styling in Java include:

  • Jansi: This library provides a simple API for managing ANSI escape codes and offers cross-platform compatibility.
  • lanterna: This library offers a higher-level abstraction for creating text-based console applications and supports advanced features such as windowing and text alignment.

Leveraging these libraries gives you more flexibility, control, and cross-platform compatibility when working with console text colors and other text styling aspects in your Java applications.

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