Solved: how to vibrate android

Vibrating an Android device programmatically can be accomplished through the Android SDK. This feature can be utilized in many ways such as providing tactile feedback for user actions, subtly alerting the user about updates, or even giving game players a more immersive experience. It’s an important and useful tool to create a more interactive user experience.

The main function involved in this operation is the Android system service called Vibrator, which controls the vibration motor of the device. Certain permissions must be granted in the application manifest to use this functionality, and the device hardware must support it.

Before proceeding, let’s dive into the core topics.

Vibrator Service

The Android System Service, Vibrator, helps us use the vibration functionality in Android devices programmatically within our application. To call this method, we need to cast the system service to a Vibrator object using getSystemService().

// Get instance of Vibrator from current Context
Vibrator v = (Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);

The Vibrator object provides a few methods to control the vibration functionality, including vibrate() and cancel().

Android Permissions

Before we can use the vibrator service, we need to declare the VIBRATE permission in the manifest file of our application. This notifies users that the application may control the vibration motor during its operation.

<manifest ...>
    <uses-permission android_name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>

Executing the Vibration

After setting the necessary permissions, we can use the vibrate() method we mentioned earlier to make the device vibrate.

// Start without a delay
// Vibrate for 100 milliseconds
// Sleep for 1000 milliseconds

long[] pattern = {0, 100, 1000};

// The '0' here means to repeat indefinitely
// '-1' would play the vibration once
v.vibrate(pattern, 0);

This code causes the device to vibrate for 100 milliseconds and then stops for 1000 milliseconds, repeating this pattern indefinitely.

If you want to stop the vibration, you can do so by calling the cancel() method.


These were the fundamental steps to implement vibration in Android programmatically. Combining these components together can help improve your user experience, creating more interactive applications.

Remember that not all devices support this function, and we should also consider situations where vibration should be optional, providing a setting for users who prefer to turn off haptic feedback.

In conclusion, Android provides a functionality to access and control the device’s hardware components like the vibration motor. As developers, we can use these functionalities to improve the user interaction of our application. However, it is crucial to use these resources wisely, keeping the user’s preferences at the center.

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