Solved: prevent copying text in html

One of the main problems with preventing text copying in HTML is that it can be difficult to determine where the text should be copied. This can be especially problematic when copying large blocks of text, as it can be difficult to accurately position the cursor.

There is no surefire way to prevent someone from copying text from your website, but there are a few methods you can use to make it more difficult.

One method is to use a JavaScript function to disable the right-click menu. This will prevent visitors from being able to copy your text by right-clicking and selecting "Copy."

Another method is to use CSS to hide your text. This will make it much more difficult for someone to copy your text, but it is not impossible.

A third method is to use a JavaScript function to encrypt your text. This will make it impossible for someone to copy your text, but it will also make it impossible for them to read it.

How to Disable Text Selection, Copy, Cut, Paste and Right-click

To disable text selection, copy, cut, paste and right-click in HTML:

1. Open your HTML document in a text editor.
2. Find the element you want to disable text selection, copy, cut, paste and right-click on.
3. In the example below, I’m disabling text selection on the paragraph below:

Hello world!

4. To disable text selection:

Disable text selection

5. To enable text selection:

Enable text selection

Why to disable copy on a web

There are a few reasons why you might want to disable copy on a web page in HTML. One reason is that you want to prevent users from copying text or images from your page. Another reason is that you want to reduce the amount of data that users have to send over the network in order to view your page.

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