The main problem with opening a new tab with an open emulator link is that the emulator will not start if the new tab is already open.
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Example</a>
The code line creates a hyperlink to the website “”. When clicked, the website will open in a new browser window or tab. The text that will be displayed on the page is “Example”.
Links in html
In HTML, you can use a link to point to another document or page. To create a link, you use the tag. The following code shows how to create a link in an HTML document:
link properties
In HTML, a link is defined as a relationship between two elements. The first element is the source, and the second element is the target. Links can have one of three properties: rel, href, or target.
rel is used to indicate the type of relationship between the source and target. It can be one of three values: self, link, or shortcut. self indicates that the source and target are both elements within the same document. link indicates that the source is a hyperlink and the target is another document on the same server. shortcut indicates that the source is a hyperlink and the target will be opened in a new window or tab.
href specifies where on the web page (or other resource) the target should be loaded from. It can have one of four values:,, file:///path/to/file/, or data:text/html;charset=utf-8;base64, which loads it from,, file:///path/to/file/, or data:text/html;charset=utf-8;base64 depending on which character set and encoding is specified in base64 format (e.g., if base64 encoding is not specified then utf-8 encoding will be used).
target specifies where on the web page (or other resource) content should be displayed when someone clicks on a link in HTML5 browsers (or when an anchor tag with rel=”self” is clicked). It can have one of two values: _blank or document . _blank will display whatever content was placed inside of anchor tags as links without loading any additional content from external sources (i..e., it behaves like an inline link). document will load whatever content was placed inside of anchor tags as links into their respective documents (i..e., it behaves like an external link).