Solved: html minus sign

The main problem related to the HTML minus sign is that it can be interpreted differently depending on the context. In some cases, it may be interpreted as a hyphen or dash, while in other cases it may be interpreted as a subtraction operator. This can lead to confusion and incorrect results if not used correctly. Additionally, some browsers may not render the minus sign correctly, resulting in unexpected behavior.


1. let x = 5;
– This line of code declares a variable called ‘x’ and assigns it the value of 5.

2. let y = 3;
– This line of code declares a variable called ‘y’ and assigns it the value of 3.

3. let z = x + y;
– This line of code declares a variable called ‘z’ and assigns it the value of the sum of x and y (in this case, 8).

Unicode UTF-8

Unicode UTF-8 is a character encoding used to represent text in HTML documents. It supports a wide range of characters, including all the major languages of the world. It is the most widely used character encoding on the web and is supported by all modern web browsers. Unicode UTF-8 allows for efficient storage and transmission of text data, making it an ideal choice for international websites and applications. In HTML, Unicode UTF-8 can be specified using the tag with charset=”utf-8″ attribute. This ensures that all characters are correctly displayed regardless of language or platform.

What is a Minus sign

The minus sign (-) is a special character in HTML that is used to create a horizontal line. It is commonly used to separate sections of text, such as in lists or paragraphs. The minus sign can also be used to create a horizontal rule, which is a line that separates different sections of content on a web page.

How do you add a minus sign in HTML

To add a minus sign in HTML, you can use the HTML entity code for the minus sign, which is −. You can also use the HTML character reference −. To display the minus sign on a web page, you would use the following code:

− or −

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