Solved: how to give color to text in html

The main problem related to giving color to text in HTML is that there are a variety of different ways to do it, and it can be confusing for those who are not familiar with the language. For example, you can use the tag with a color attribute, or you can use CSS styling with the color property. Additionally, different browsers may interpret colors differently, so what looks good on one browser may look different on another.

To give color to text in HTML, you can use the <span> tag with the style attribute and set the color property.

<span style="color:red;">This text is red.</span>

Line 1: – This is an HTML tag that is used to define a section of text.

Line 2: style=”color:red;” – This sets the style attribute of the tag and sets the color property to red.

Line 3: This text is red. – This is the text that will be displayed in red.

font color tag

The font color tag in HTML is used to change the color of text on a web page. It is written as Text, where “color” is replaced with a valid HTML color name, hexadecimal code, or RGB code. For example, This text will be red.

How to change text color in HTML without CSS

Changing the text color in HTML without CSS is possible using the tag. The tag was deprecated in HTML 4.01, but it can still be used to change the color of text on a web page.

To change the color of text, you need to use the “color” attribute inside the tag. For example:

This text will be red.

The value of the “color” attribute can be any valid HTML color name or hexadecimal code.

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