Spinning donut visuals are a popular coding venture, common among developers for being a concise, straightforward yet fascinating project. This concept revolves around rendering three-dimensional (3D) graphics in a two-dimensional (2D) context, specifically creating a 3D donut shape through programming. While it may seem complex and challenging, it’s quite fun and becomes manageable with a good grasp of mathematics and more specifically, understanding how sine and cosine functions contribute to the circular and rotational elements.
The spinning donut illustration leverages ASCII characters, a cornerstone of textual representation in computer systems. Compiling a donut spinner requires limited libraries and limited, focused knowledge of coding. In C programming language, we’ll need to exploit math as well as standard libraries to generate clean and efficient output.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #define A 0 #define B 0 #define X 64 #define Y 32 double k; int main() { double a = 0, b = 0, i, j; for (; A<8888; b += B, a += A) { double c = a, d = b, e = X/2 + X*sin(d*7)*(23/4+sin(b*3)/2), f = Y + Y*cos(d*7)*(23/4+cos(b*3)/2), g = 30*cos(d*7), h = X/2*(cos(c*7)*(23/4+sin(c*3)/2-sin(d*7)*(13/7+cos(a*13/2)/2)*cos(c*7)*cos(d*7*d)), i = X/2*(sin(c*7)*(13+cos(b*13/2)/2-sin(a*7)*(13+cos(d*13)/2)*sin(c*7)*cos(d*7)); if (0<=f && f<Y && 0<=h && h<X && d > z[(int)f][(int)h]) p[(int)f][(int)h] = 46 + b / 4; printf("