Solved: spinning donut code c

Spinning donut visuals are a popular coding venture, common among developers for being a concise, straightforward yet fascinating project. This concept revolves around rendering three-dimensional (3D) graphics in a two-dimensional (2D) context, specifically creating a 3D donut shape through programming. While it may seem complex and challenging, it’s quite fun and becomes manageable with a good grasp of mathematics and more specifically, understanding how sine and cosine functions contribute to the circular and rotational elements.

The spinning donut illustration leverages ASCII characters, a cornerstone of textual representation in computer systems. Compiling a donut spinner requires limited libraries and limited, focused knowledge of coding. In C programming language, we’ll need to exploit math as well as standard libraries to generate clean and efficient output.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define A 0
#define B 0
#define X 64
#define Y 32
double k;
int main() {
double a = 0, b = 0, i, j;
for (; A<8888; b += B, a += A) {
double c = a, d = b, e = X/2 + X*sin(d*7)*(23/4+sin(b*3)/2),
       f = Y + Y*cos(d*7)*(23/4+cos(b*3)/2), g = 30*cos(d*7),
       h = X/2*(cos(c*7)*(23/4+sin(c*3)/2-sin(d*7)*(13/7+cos(a*13/2)/2)*cos(c*7)*cos(d*7*d)),
       i = X/2*(sin(c*7)*(13+cos(b*13/2)/2-sin(a*7)*(13+cos(d*13)/2)*sin(c*7)*cos(d*7));
if (0<=f && f<Y && 0<=h && h<X && d > z[(int)f][(int)h])
    p[(int)f][(int)h] = 46 + b / 4;
printf("33[0;0H%sn", (char*)p);
return 0;

Understanding the Principle and Code

Our main concern when creating a spinning donut lies within understanding the sine and cosine concept. The above code shows that the donut spins in both vertical and horizontal planes, which is obeying the law of circles and rotations. Thus, basic knowledge about circle geometry and rotation is critical here.

Firstly, we have two rotation variables `a` and `b` that increase steadily per each for loop iteration. Here, `a` represents the rotation around the Z-axis, while `b` is about the X-axis.

The Functions Used

Our spinning donut code employs the use of several C language standard libraries and math functions. The math.h library mainly provides mathematical declarations and functions, like cos() and sin(), that we use for our donut rotations.

The printf() function defined in stdio.h is critical in printing each frame of our spinning donut, while the pow() function helps to square figures. Cos() and Sin() allow us to simulate the circular donut movement due to their periodic nature.

Remember, when coding in C, simplicity and efficiency are key. Always strive to keep your code clean, readable, and efficient. With the right mathematical foundations and coding principles, you’ll have your spinning donut up and running in no time!

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