Solved: c sharp how to read a text file

C# is a modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft. Its versatility has made it popular, and it has proven to be an incredibly efficient way for developers to create robust and secure applications. One sphere where C# shines is in file handling, such as reading a text file. This process involves loading the data from a text file and manipulating it according to our needs. But before we delve into the methodology, it’s crucial to understand why the task is necessary, and when it might come into use.

The Necessity of Reading Text Files

Often the use of data from text files is underestimated. However, in C# applications, this might serve a variety of purposes. From serving as a simple way to store data without the need for a database, to being the only method to import or export data in certain environments, text files are far from obsolete.

In practice, you might need to leverage text files when configuring settings, or loading a game level’s state in a game. It’s also a common way of logging errors and application activities.

Getting Started with StreamReader Class

Reading a text file in C# is performed using the StreamReader class, which is part of the System.IO namespace. It is worth noting that the StreamReader class is not directly responsible for reading the text file, but rather works as an agent between the File and the Program. Its primary purpose is to read characters from a byte stream in a particular encoding.

using System.IO;

public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
using(StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(“filePath”))
string line;
while((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)

Understanding the Provided Code

In the above C# program, you first specify the path of the text file in the StreamReader constructor. The file is then read line by line using the ReadLine method of the StreamReader class inside a while loop. As long as there are lines in the text file to be read (i.e., the result of the ReadLine method is not null), the loop continues. The line that is read is then written to the console using Console.WriteLine. The using statement automatically closes the StreamReader once its task is completed, saving us the trouble of manually releasing unmanaged resources.

Working with File Class

Alternatively, using the File class provided by .NET is also an efficient way to read text files. It provides methods to manipulate files and directories. The ReadAllLines and ReadAllText methods of the File class are handy and succinct.

using System.IO;

public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(“filePath”);
foreach(string line in lines)

Code Explanation

In this version of the C# program, we use the ReadAllLines method of the File class to read all lines of the text file into a string array in a single operation. We then loop through each line in the string array using a foreach loop, and write the line to the console.

These are just basic examples of how to read text files in C#. Depending on your application, you may need to handle exceptions, check if the file exists before attempting to read it, or perform other manipulations on the data.

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